Services I No Longer Use
I have lost interest in the Kagi search engine. I was very positive about it earlier, and I expressed my enthusiasm for it in my post called Giving My Experience of the Web a Makeover.
However, I have become disillusioned with their ongoing development. If you take a look at Kagi’s changelog blog, you’ll notice a strong focus on their LLMs. The blog post by Lori, titled Why I Lost Faith in Kagi, explains this matter further.
As an alternative, I am currently using DuckDuckGo, which I can’t say I enjoy all that much. But it is the lesser of several evils.
I have also moved my blog from uberspace. The reason was that I could not work without root privileges1 or an up-to-date version of glibc2.
Another service I said goodbye to was Feedbin is a good service with a solid track record. However, if you’re not in the Apple ecosystem, you’ll have a second-rate experience. I am not part of that ecosystem, so after enjoying a year of using Feedbin, I replaced it with a self-hosted Miniflux and various third-party clients. I still recommend Feedbin to anyone who cannot (or would prefer not to) host their own Miniflux or who is in the Apple ecosystem. Feedbin is a really solid choice.